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Hong Kong and Taipei Trip

I flew to Hong Kong and Taiwan to explore the production of a recent product idea. I spent a week there, saw a typhoon, felt an earthquake, and had a very interesting "swimming" experience. I also saw and met some wonderful people, and saw what may be the cleanest subways in the world.

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First Stop, Hong Kong:

1) Hong Kong ... Street food, buildings, intense signage!

2) Lantau Island... sort of a "Jersey Shore" for Hong Kong people. Very much off season, though it was hot! The faces here are timeless.

Second Stop, Taipei:

3) Taipei- Night markets, clean (and I mean eat off the floor) subways, polite people, and lots of signs, almost all in Chinese

4) The world's tallest building, called 101 after it's address. Looks a lot like a bunch of Chinese take-out boxes stacked up. Here's the view from outside, and up top looking down. There's even shot looking down the staircase handrail.... down 90 stories!

5) The Mall at 101, quite chic...

6) Temple Shing Tian Gong in Taipei

7) National Palace of Art and Kwong Ying Shan Mountain. Notice in the background the fairy lying down, face up, in silhouette

8) Beach Town Danshui, where I had my little swim. The bridge is called lovers bridge, it's quite streamlined. Note all the bridal wear getting full of sand...

9) Taiwan Subways. Get out the knife and fork, you can eat off the floors, heck, even off the tracks!

10) Taipei Computer toys selling cheap and auctions too.

11) A few shots from the air on takeoff, views of Danshui and the bridal beach, and looking back to the basin that is Taipei, a final fairwell...